Sociology Courses
SOC 110 Comparative Society (4) GE D3
Introduction to sociological theory and methods, emphasizing a comparative analysis of social institutions of contemporary societies in major world regions, including the family, religion, politics, and the economy. Direct comparisons made between American social institutions and those of other societies, their histories, social problems and social change. 4 lectures.
SOC 111 Social Problems (4)
An introduction to sociology with an emphasis on problems inherent in selected social institutions. Instruction in social analysis, including theories of social problems, how those problems are studied, and a survey of possible solutions. 4 lectures.
SOC 218 International Political Economy (4) GE D2
Principles of international political economy in their social and cultural context. Sociological perspectives on the historical development of the world system and the current patterns of global inequality. Comparison of the political economy of major nations and their relation to the overall world system. 4 lectures.
SOC 301 Social Work and Social Welfare Institutions (4)
Introduction to the field of social welfare. Development of social work and social welfare services; major issues in social service policy. Scope and diversity of specific programs in the social services. Analysis of current programs and the recipients of welfare services. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 306 Sociology of the Family (4)
Description and analysis of family relationships; role of family in society, effects of society on family economy, structure and change. Other topics include courtship, marriage, parenting, divorce and alternative family forms. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 309 The World System and Its Problems (4)
Analysis of the historical background, structure, and dynamics of the world system; examines such issues as the origins of Third World poverty, colonialism, the changes in the world's dominant economic powers, the fall of communism, the growing economic competition between Europe, North America, and Asia; and possible strategies for the economic development of the Third World. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
SOC 310 Self, Organizations and Society (4)
Analysis of the interactions relating to the development of self. Examination of the reciprocal interactions between biology, personal environment, and society. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 311 Sociology of Gender (4)
Description and analysis of the impact of gender definitions on men and women in society. Special attention is given to the learning process; the creation and perpetuation of gender stereotypes and the way these affect individual life chances and social structure, explored in the areas of work, education, family and abusive relationships. Focus on media presentation of gender and effects of ethnicity and class. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
SOC 313 Urban Sociology (4)
Description of the context of urban development; analysis of various forces generating urbanization. Investigation of urban models and spatial relationships; urban processes; and problems. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 315 Global Race and Ethnic Relations (4) GE D5
Diverse structures of unequal relationships among racial and ethnic groups in several countries including the United States. Theories about sources of economic and social discrimination and colonialism. Focus on the concept of ethnicity. Evaluation methods to restructure race and ethnic relations. International case histories. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Completion of GE Area A, one course from D1 and one course from D3. Social Sciences majors will not receive GE Area D5 credit.
SOC 316 American Ethnic Minorities (4) USCP
Exploration of the issues and problems facing the four major ethnic minorities in American society: Native Americans, Afro-Americans, Hispanics and Asian Americans. Dynamics of intergroup relations focusing on the concepts of ethnocentricism, stereotyping, pluralism and assimilation. Sources and manifestations of economic and social discrimination patterns and how they affect the individual's life course. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing.
SOC 323 Social Stratification (4)
Social class and the distribution of income, wealth, status and power in society, with emphasis on contemporary United States; social mobility; race, gender, and ethnic inequalities; political power and the nature of welfare; the nature, causes and solutions to poverty. A comparative perspective also taken with a focus on Japan and Europe. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 326 Sociology of the Life Cycle (4) GE D5
Change and continuity of the self through the life course. Impact of aging on the physical, emotional, intellectual and social aspects of well being, and how this knowledge can be applied to enhance the quality of life. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Completion of GE Area A, one course from D1 and one course from D3. Social Sciences majors will not receive GE Area D5 credit.
SOC 350 Social Organization of Modern Japan (4)
Social and cultural features of modern Japan. Japanese group processes. Investigation of contemporary Japanese institutions: family, education, mass media, industry, politics, including an overview of popular culture. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 354 Qualitative Research Methods (4)
Qualitative data collection for social research. The relationship among theory research and hypothesis testing. Data collection techniques, including content analysis, face to face interviews, and ethnographic methods. 3 lectures, 1 activity. Prerequisite: STAT 217 with a C- or better and two sociology courses, or consent of instructor.
SOC 355 Quantitative Research Methods (4)
The basics of how to do social research. Includes topics on data collection techniques such as surveys, experiments, participant observation, content analysis and the use of existing data. Also includes topics on univariate,bivariate, and multivariate analysis and the use of SPSS for data analysis. 3 lectures, 1 activity. Prerequisite: STAT 221 or STAT 217 or equivalent with a C- or better, and two sociology courses.
SOC 377 Sociology of Religion (4) GE D5
Religion from a sociological perspective. Topics may include the nature of religious experience, the role of religion in politics, economics, and social change, and the role that social forces have in influencing religious beliefs and practices. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Completion of GE Area A, and two courses from two categories in Area D. Social Sciences majors will not receive GE Area D5 credit.
SOC 395 Sociology of Complex Organizations (4)
Bureaucracies and informal organizations from a sociological perspective. Organizational networks within and between organizations, relationship between organizations and their environment, and organizational socialization and career patterns, and gender and race or ethnic differences in organizational patterns. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 402 Crime and Violence (4)
Criminal behavior of individuals and groups; special categories include drug use, sex offenders, property crime, syndicated crime, interpersonal violence, and white-collar criminality. Legal definitions of crime and their implications, theories of causation, the sources of criminological data, and possible responses to the problems posed by criminal behavior. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Junior standing or consent of instructor.
SOC 406 Juvenile Justice (4)
Sociological examination of juvenile delinquency as a social and legal concept, covering the nature, volume and social distribution of juvenile crime; the formal structure of juvenile justice; and how justice for juveniles is applied in practice. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: One course in sociology.
SOC 412 Criminal Justice (4)
Approaches to the control and rehabilitation of adult and juvenile offenders; philosophy of treatment strategies; history and analysis of probation, imprisonment, parole and preventive programs. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: SOC 402.
SOC 413 Methods of Social Work (4)
Skills, values and knowledge emphasized in social work. The generic perspective. Methods in social case work, group work, community organization, and social action. Alternative models. Settings of social work practice. Discussion of case material and professional literature. Case work management. Traditional and innovative therapy techniques. 4 seminars. Prerequisite: SOC 301 and junior standing.
SOC 421 Social Theory (4)
Concepts and theories in sociology, anthropology and geography. Development and history of social sciences. Paradigms and sociology of knowledge. Modern and classical perspectives. Importance of theories for understanding of present social arrangements and problems. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: SOC 111 or consent of instructor.
SOC 431 Population Problems (4)
Description and analysis of basic population processes including fertility, mortality, and migration and the environment. Emphasis on understanding the significance of today's growth rates for the future, especially in relationship to resources and standards of living. 4 lectures. Prerequisite: SOC 111 or consent of instructor.
SOC 470 Selected Advanced Topics in Sociology (1–4)
Directed group study of selected topics for advanced students. Open to undergraduate and graduate students. The Schedule of Classes will list topic selected. Total credit limited to 8 units. 1 to 4 lectures. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor.