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Got the Internship!

Editor’s Note: Last February, Terry Jones received the following message from alumna Emily Neavitt (B.S., Anthropology and Geography, 2014), who was selected for an internship with the Clinton Foundation in New York City. 

Anthropology and Geography graduate Emily Neavitt chatting with Jane Goodall in New York City, January 2014.
Anthropology and geography graduate 
Emily Neavitt chatting with Jane Goodall 
in New York City, January 2014.

Shortly after graduating in December, I accepted a communications internship with the Clinton Foundation in New York City. While the thought of moving across the country seemed daunting at the time, my experience has been incredibly rewarding, and working for a nonprofit has opened my eyes to a range of new opportunities. My work centers primarily around the Clinton Global Initiative, which is a branch of the foundation that works to convene global leaders to create innovative solutions and commitments all around the world. Needless to say, I’ve learned a lot. I'm working with some truly amazing people, and I have been able to apply so many of the skills I gained from my time at Cal Poly, particularly those from my anthropology and geography courses.

I've also thoroughly enjoyed day-to-day life in New York. I can't help but smile on my walk to work at Rockefeller Center. I've found that if you open yourself up to the city, new opportunities quickly present themselves.

Most recently, I had one of these life-changing moments when I met none other than British primatologist Jane Goodall. Interestingly, I've managed to bump into quite a few celebrities here, from the Kardashians to Barbara Walters, but I can honestly say that meeting Dr. Goodall trumps them all. While we only spoke briefly, she told me something very simple and yet so true that I'll never forget it, “What you do makes a difference.”

As a recent graduate, it's easy to forget the meaning of these words in the whirlwind of events that follow college, but I hope wherever my path leads, I will be able to take that Mustang spirit with me and make a positive difference!

Cheers from NYC!

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