Social Sciences Department Newsletter - Fall 2017

Engineers Without Borders: Dr. Brian Pompeii in Malawi
Cal Poly Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Malawi Group continued their fifth year of collaboration with the small community of Kumponda near Blantyre, Malawi.

Professor-Student Research Project Wins First Place
Stacey Rucas, with several anthropology-geography students, undertook a research project aimed at testing for evidence of intrasexual competition within female political spheres.

Social Sciences Learn by Doing Fund
The Social Sciences Department launched its Learn by Doing Fund Program, aimed at supporting student projects that adopt Cal Poly’s Learn by Doing philosophy.
Read more about projects supported by the Learn by Doing Fund

Sociology Stalwart James Coleman Retires
Sociology professor James Coleman retired after a 40-year career with Cal Poly.

Administrative Support Coordinator Carolyn Dentler Retires
Administrative Support Coordinator, Carolyn Dentler, retired after 10 years with the Social Sciences Department.
Department Welcomes Dejana Lubura as Administrative Support Coordinator
The Social Sciences Department was fortunate to hire Dejana Lubura as its new administrative support coordinator.

Our faculty had a busy year, both in their projects with students and their scholarly activities.

Social Sciences Department alumna Paige Liss reports on how she is using her knowledge in traditional and unexpected ways.