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Message from the Chair

Welcome from the Chair

Ben Timms
Dr. Timms on a New Zealand glacier.

Welcome to the 2020 Social Sciences Department newsletter “The Globe”! I am Dr. Benjamin Timms, a Geography Professor and Chair of the department as of fall 2019. This has been quite the trying year for our students, faculty, and yourselves but we are working our way through it. Beginning in spring 2020, and continuing at least through spring 2021, we have had to adjust to teaching and working online. While a challenge, it also has opened up opportunities to implement new technologies and teaching techniques. Our mission is always to serve the interests of our students and that has not changed.

In this edition of “The Globe” we want to highlight some amazing things our students have achieved after graduation. Faculty achievements are also included with awards, research, teaching accomplishments, and welcoming new faculty. We also celebrate the career of Dr. William Preston, who retired, and the careers and lives of two faculty who passed away this year, which has been emotional for faculty, staff, and students. Please peruse the links to find out more.

Finally, we acknowledge the great support the alumni have provided in networking and mentoring our students. The financial donations you have made to the department have been focused on student success, such as creating our very own computer lab, hiring student assistants, and funding our Learn By Doing program that finances student research, study abroad, internships, and conference attendance and presentations. While times are difficult at the moment, please consider donating to the department to support these endeavors. Every little amount adds up to make a positive addition to our students’ current and future success.

Here is a link for department donations.

Onwards and upwards, and hope all is well with you and your loved ones,


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